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Чтобы скачать OST - ЗВЁЗДНЫЕ ВОЙНЫ ЭПИЗОД I - VI / STAR WARS EPISODE I - VI [COMPLETE SCORE] [JOHN WILLIAMS] (1977 - 2005) MP3 с зеркала рутор, на ПК или смартфоне необходимо иметь приложение для скачивания торрентов - µTorrent или BitTorrent. Торрент - это небольшой файл, через который происходит скачивание фильмов, игр и прочего. Этот файл необходимо скачать по ссылке выше и открыть его через одну их этих программа, далее программа предложит выбрать папку для сохранения OST - ЗВЁЗДНЫЕ ВОЙНЫ ЭПИЗОД I - VI / STAR WARS EPISODE I - VI [COMPLETE SCORE] [JOHN WILLIAMS] (1977 - 2005) MP3.
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![]() Название: Звёздные войны Эпизод I - VI / Star Wars Episode I - VI (Complete Score) Композитор: John Williams Год: 1977 - 2005 Жанр: Film OST Формат: MP3 Битрейт аудио: 320 Продолжительность: 16:16:18 Звёздные войны. Эпизод I - Скрытая угроза (Complete Score) (1999) Звёздные войны. Эпизод II - Атака клонов (Complete Score) (2002) ![]() Продолжительность: 02:12:28 Трек-лист 01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare 02. Star Wars Main Titles 03. Old Friends 04. Assasination Attempt And Speeder Chase 05. The Chase Through Coruscant Continues 06. The Assasin's Demise 07. Growing Up 08. Departing Coruscant 09. Dex's Diner 10. Yoda And The Younglings 11. Arrival At Kamino 12. Forbidden Kiss 13. The Clone Army 14. The Meadow Picnic 15. Meeting Jango Fett 16. Anakin And Padmé 17. Mystery Of The Clones 18. Tatooine Resolution 19. Jango vs. Obi-Wan 20. Bounty Hunter's Pursuit CD2 01. Anakin's Confession 02. Emergency Powers 03. Count Dooku's Offer 04. Landing On Geonosis 05. The Droids Confer 06. Inside The Droid Factory 07. Love Pledge 08. The Fight Begins 09. Arrival Of The Jedi 10. Encircled 11. Attack Of The Clones 12. The Battle Of Geonosis 13. Secret Plans 14. Dooku's Escape 15. Chasing The Seperatists 16. Confrontation With The Sith 17. Padmé's Orders 18. The Duel Continues 19. Knowledge Of The Force 20. Yoda vs. Dooku 21. Yoda's Troubles 22. Secrect Marriage and Finale 23. End Credits CD3 01. Album Introduction 02. Attack Of The Clones [Music Video] 03. Across The Stars [Introduction] 04. [Archival Bonus Track] Across The Stars (Dialogue Version) 05. Geonosis Love Medley 06. On The Conveyor Belt 07. Arena Source [Ben Burtt] 08. Attack Of The Clones Orchestral Suite 09. The Story Of Episode II Звёздные войны. Эпизод III - Месть ситхов (Complete Score) (2005) ![]() Продолжительность: 02:38:38 Трек-лист 01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare 02. Star Wars Main Title and Battle Over Coruscant 03. Enter General Grevious 04. Dooku's Entrance 05. Escape With The Chancellor 06. Jedi vs. Droids 07. Another Happy Landing 08. The Chancellor's Arrival 09. Lovers' Reunion 10. Travelling To Utapau and Anakin's Dream 11. Dreams And Visions 12. Be Careful Of Your Friend 13. On The Council 14. We're At War 15. The Prophecy 16. The Tragedy Of Darth Plagueis 17. Kashyyyk 18. Goodbye Old Friend 19. Daydreams 20. Arrival At Utapau 21. Riding Boga 22. Crushing The Droids 23. Obi-Wan vs. Grievous 24. Jedi War Council 25. Palpatine's Seduction 26. Rolling With Grievous 27. The End Of The General 28. Sith Lord Revealed 29. Padmé's Ruminations 30. Under Arrest 31. Sidious vs. Mace CD2 01. Dark Side Unleashed 02. Rise Lord Vader 03. Execute Order 66 04. The Great Jedi Purge 05. Bail's Escape 06. Swimming and Yoda's Farewell 07. The Blockade Runner 08. Aboard The Tantive and Lord Vader Arrives 09. Anakin's Dark Deeds 10. The Jedi Temple 11. Obi-Wan And Padmé 12. I'm So Sorry 13. Travelling To Mustafar 14. Padmé Reunited 15. Padmé's Plea 16. A Path I Can't Follow 17. Battle Of The Heroes and Duel Of The Fates 18. Search For Yoda 19. Into Exile 20. Anakin vs. Obi-Wan 21. The Immolation Scene 22. Vader Rescued 23. Polis Massa 24. Landing On Coruscant 25. The Birth Of The Twins 26. Padmé's Destiny 27. The Fate Of The Twins 28. Padmé's Funeral 29. A New Hope 30. End Credits CD3 01. Album Introduction 02. Revenge Of The Sith [Music Video] 03. A Hero Falls [Introduction] 04. [Bonus Track] A Hero Falls 05. Endlessly Compelling 06. Boys Into Battle (Album) 07. Opera Source [Ben Burtt] 08. Mace Windu's Fate 09. Padmé's Ruminations (Album) 10. Battle Of The Heroes 11. John Williams Interview 12. Practicing End Credits 13. Revenge Of The Sith Orchestral Suite 14. Album Finish Звёздные войны. Эпизод IV - Новая надежда (Complete Score) (1977) ![]() Продолжительность: 02:35:05 Трек-лист 01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare 02. Star Wars Main Title - Imperial Pursuit 03. Boarding The Rebel Blockade Runner 04. Enter Lord Vader 05. Escape Pod - Crashing On The Desert Planet 06. The Dune Sea 07. Jawa Sandcrawler 08. The Moisture Farm 09. Droids For Sale 10. The Princess And The Hologram 11. Binary Sunset 12. Search For R2 13. Attack Of The Sand People 14. Obi-Wan Kenobi 15. The Old Republic 16. Leia's Plea 17. The Force - Aboard The Death Star 18. Burning Homestead 19. Mos Eisley Spaceport 20. Figrin D'an And The Modal Nodes 21. Mos Eisley Cantina Band CD2 01. The Millenium Falcon - Docking Bay 94 02. Escaping Tatooine 03. Destruction Of Alderaan 04. The Death Star 05. Avoiding Capture 06. Mouse Robot - Infiltrating The Death Star 07. Detention Block Ambush 08. Shootout In The Cell Bay 09. Dianoga 10. The Walls Converge 11. The Tractor Beam 12. Fighting The Stormtroopers 13. Chasm Crossfire - Facing Vader 14. Ben Kenobi's Death - Escaping The Death Star 15. Incoming Fighters 16. Launch From The Fourth Moon 17. X-Wings Draw Fire - Battle Of Yavin 18. Destroying The Death Star 19. Throne Room 20. End Credits CD3 01. Album Introduction 02. A New Hope (Music Video) 03. Planet That Is Farthest From [Introduction] 04. [Bonus Track] Planet That Is Farthest From 05. An Unlikely Alliance [Introduction] 06. [Bonus Track] An Unlikely Alliance 07. A Defender Emerges [Introduction] 08. [Bonus Track] A Defender Emerges 09. A Daring Rescue [Introduction] 10. [Bonus Track] A Daring Rescue 11. Star Wars Main Title (Complete) 12. Main Title [Take 16] 13. Main Title [Take 17] 14. Main Title [Take 18] 15. Main Title [Take 19] 16. Main Title [Take 20] 17. Throne Room and End Credits (Revenge Of The Sith) 18. Princess Leia's Theme (Album) 19. Binary Sunset (Album) 20. A New Hope Orchestral Suite 21. The Story Of Episode IV 22. Album Finish Звёздные войны. Эпизод V - Империя наносит ответный удар (Complete Score) (1980) ![]() Продолжительность: 02:31:55 Трек-лист 01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare 02. Star Wars Main Title and The Imperial Probe 03. Saying Goodbye 04. Escaping The Wampa's Lair 05. Vision Of Obi-Wan and Luke's Rescue 06. Snowspeeder Rescue 07. The Bacta Tank 08. The Executor 09. Battle Preparations 10. Battle Of Hoth 11. Luke's Crash and The Destruction Of The Shield Generator 12. The Rebels Escape 13. Pursuit Of The Falcon 14. Crash Landing On Dagobah and Aboard The Executor 15. A Familiar Place 16. Luke's Nocturnal Visitor 17. Han Solo And The Princess 18. The Asteroid Field 19. The Emperor 20. Jedi Master Yoda 21. Mynock Cave 22. Training Of A Jedi Knight 23. The Dark Tree 24. Bounty Hunters and Pursuing The Falcon CD2 01. Attacking A Star Destroyer 02. Yoda's Teachings 03. Yoda And The Force 04. Deploy The Fleet 05. Floating Away 06. Luke's Vision - City In The Clouds 07. Lando's Palace 08. Beware The Dark Side 09. Leaving Dagobah 10. The Trap 11. Betrayal At Bespin 12. Mending A Droid - Han's Torture 13. Deal With The Dark Lord - Confronting Lando 14. Arriving At Cloud City - Carbon Freezing Chamber 15. Frozen In Carbonite 16. Luke Pursues The Captives 17. Departure Of Boba Fett 18. The Duel 19. Escaping Cloud City 20. Losing A Hand 21. Rescuing Luke 22. Hyperspace 23. The Rebel Fleet 24. End Credits CD3 01. Album Introduction 02. The Empire Strikes Back (Music Video) 03. An Empire Is Forged [Introduction] 04. [Bonus Track] An Empire Is Forged 05. A Jedi Is Trained [Introduction] 06. [Bonus Track] A Jedi Is Trained 07. A Narrow Escape [Introduction] 08. [Bonus Track] A Narrow Escape 09. The Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme) 10. Yoda's Theme 11. Escaping The Wampa's Lair (Album) 11. The Ice Planet (Album) 13. Vision Of Obi-Wan - Luke's Rescue (Album) 14. Snowspeeder Rescue (Album) 15. Imperial Walkers (Album) 16. The Executor (Album) 17. Luke's Nocturnal Visitor (Album) 18. Search For The Millenium Falcon (Album) 19. Training Of A Jedi Knight (Album) 20. Deploy The Fleet (Album) 21. Trouble In The Clouds (Album) 22. The Duel (Album) 23. Luke vs. Vader (Album) 24. The Empire Strikes Back Orchestral Suite 25. Album Finish Звёздные войны. Эпизод VI - Возвращение джедая (Complete Score) (1983) ![]() Продолжительность: 03:48:16 Трек-лист 01. 20th Century Fox Fanfare 02. Main Title 03. Approaching the Deathstar 04. Tatooine Rondevous 05. The Droids Travel to Jabba's Palace 06. Jabba's Palace Gate 07. The Gatekeeper 08. Jabba's Baroque Recital 09. A Gift 10. Lapti Nek (Film Version) 11. Bounty for a Wookie 12. Han Solo Returns 13. Luke Confronts Jabba 14. Fight in the Dungeon 15. Jabba's Sentencing 16. Pit of Carkoon 17. Sail Barge Assault (Film) 18. The Emperor Arrives 19. The Death of Yoda 20. Obi-Wans Revealations 21. Alliance Assembly 22. Faking the Code 23. Speeder Bike Chase 24. Leia Meets Wicket 25. Land of the Ewoks 26. Leia and Wicket - Emperor and Vader 27. Levitation 28. 3PO's Bedtime Story CD2 01. Brother and Sister 02. Father and Son 03. Fleet Goes to Hyperspace 04. Heroic Ewok 05. Emperor's Throne Room 06. Into the Trap 07. Forest Ambush 08. Battle for Endor 09. The Lightsabers 10. The Ewok Battle 11. Leia is Wounded - The Duel Begins 12. Overtaking the Bunker 13. Final Duel - Into the Death Star 14. Palpatines Death 15. Superstructure Chase 16. Vader's Death 17. Through the Flames 18. Leia's News (Film) 19. Funeral Pyre for a Jedi (Film) 20. Ewok Celebration (Film) 21. Victory Celebration (Film) 22. End Credits 23. Luke and Leia CD3 01. Jabba the Hutt (Boston Pops Orchestra) 02. Lapti Nek (First Portion) 03. Lapti Nek (Second Portion) 04. Jedi Rocks 05. At the Court of Jabba the Hutt (Concert Version) 06. Lapti Nek (Album) 07. Max Reebo Band 1 08. Max Reebo Band 2 09. Sail Barge Assault (Alternate) 10. Parade of the Ewoks 11. Part of the Tribe 12. Parade of the Ewoks (Boston Pops Orchestra) 13. Ewok Battle Concert Suite 14. The Ewok Battle (Insert) 15. Leia's News (Alternate) 16. Funeral Pyre for a Jedi (Alternate) 17. Yub Nub (Ewok) 18. Victory Celebration (Album) 19. Ewok Celebration (National Philharmonic Orchestra) 20. Return of the Jedi - As told by C3PO 21. Yub Nub (Choir) 22. The End Credits Suite CD4 01. Lapti Nek (Final Film Version) 02. Lapti Nek (First Portion) 03. Lapti Nek (Second Portion) 04. Lapti Nek (Vocal-less) Обновление от 9.04.13: Добавлены 3 альбома. Раздачи фильма: http://new-rutor.org/search/0/1/000/2/Star Wars (скопируйте ссылку и вставьте в адресную строку) P.S. Либо вы можете оставить заявку у меня на сайте. Ссылку дать не могу, т.к. прав таких нет, но могу сказать, что адрес сайта схож с моим ником. Зайдите в Google или другой поисковик и введите туда мой ник, и тогда вы точно найдёте мой сайт. Если вы оставите заявку на руторге, то я могу увидеть вашу заявку не сразу, как получится и когда получится. Если у меня на сайте, то я сразу узнаю, что вы сделали заказ и сразу же начну поиски. ![]() ![]() ![]() | |
Залил | VladlenCry |
Оценка | Никто ещё не поставил оценку |
Категория | Музыка |
Раздают | Временно нет данных |
Качают | Временно нет данных |
Сидер замечен | 03-08-2014 12:19:44 (10 минут назад) |
Добавлен | 09-04-2013 14:04:13 |
Размер | 2.65 GB (2840048962 Bytes) |
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Zip837 | 09-10-2017 09:09:31 (1 час назад) | ||
Встаньте на раздачу, пожалуйста | |||
geka9999 | 17-02-2014 14:08:27 (44 месяца назад) | ||
Спасибо, большое, за раздачу. Классный саунд к великолепным фильмам. | |||